๐ŸงฌEndpoint and Schema Overview

The endpoints and schemas for Gathr are listed below. If you're looking for something more plug-and-play, click [here] to see more information on our white-label products.


Single Customer CRUD Functions

Adding a new Customer

Retrieving a single Customer (using customerId)

Editing an existing Customer

Deleting an existing Customer

Retrieving a Customer (using a known property/identifier)

Retrieve a list of all existing Customers for a specific tenant

Customers (Miscellaneous)


Check the application status of a Customer (in development)

Get the specific Module Status of a Customer (in development)

Credit Report


Get the Credit Report of a single Customer

Get a summarised Credit Report with key details

Get the full Credit Report and Score of a Customer



Create a business with a specific customer attached to it

Create a business without a customer attached to it

Find a business by businessId

Update the details of an existing business

Delete an existing business permanently

Retrieve a list of all existing Bustomers for a specific tenant



Create a new identity record

Get a single identity record by identityDocumentId

Find a business by businessId

Delete a single identity record

Upload an ID document

Validate the identity document against the details that the customer was created with

Affordability v1


Create new Bank Account

Get a single identity record by identityDocumentId

Find a business by businessId

Delete a single identity record

Upload an ID document

Validate the identity document against the details that the customer was created with

Last updated