โž•Create New Bank Account

To complete a Customer Affordability Assessment, you will first need to create a Bank Account ID. Transactional Data as well as PDF Bank Statements collected from Customers are stored against

Create New Bank Account

POST {{baseUrl}}/bank-accounts

You will need to first save the customerId from the POST Create New Customer response as a variable to use in the request body for Create New Bank Account.

Path Parameters




This is the tenantId that was assigned to you when your tenant was created.



Request Body




This is the name of the bank that the end-user/customer banks with. Each bank has a "slug" which you will have to use here. Please see this list of slugs for the available banks.



You can create either an "online", "statement" or "ussd" bank account. Please click here for more information.



This is UUID for a specific customer that gets generated and returned in the POST Create New Customer response. It ensures that the Bank Account is created and associated to a customer.



This is the person's account number that appears on their bank statement. If a value is provided for this, we will run a validation that the account_number provided matched the Account Number that can be found on the statement before processing the upload in POST Bank Statement Upload V1.1.

Status Codes

201 - Created

Online Bank Account Created

    "data": {
        "id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "customer_id": "{{customerId}}",
        "type": "online",
        "bank": "fnb",
        "num_transactions": 0,
        "last_updated": "2023-01-16T14:52:56.000000Z",
        "first_transaction": null,
        "last_transaction": null

Statement Bank Account Created

    "data": {
         "id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "customer_id": "{{customerId}}",
        "type": "statement",
        "bank": "absa",
        "num_transactions": 0,
        "last_updated": "2023-04-24T12:50:47.000000Z",
        "first_transaction": null,
        "last_transaction": null

USSD Bank Account Created

    "data": {
         "id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "customer_id": "{{customerId}}",
        "type": "ussd",
        "bank": "capitec",
        "num_transactions": 0,
        "last_updated": "2023-04-24T12:50:47.000000Z",
        "first_transaction": null,
        "last_transaction": null
401 - Unauthorised


    "error": "Unauthenticated."
422 - Unprocessable Content

Invalid Bank

    "errors": {
        "bank": [
            "Provided bank is not valid. Please check list of supported banks."

Invalid Type

    "errors": {
        "type": [
            "The selected type is invalid."

Missing Parameter

    "errors": {
        "customer_id": [
            "The customer id field is required when business id is not present."
        "business_id": [
            "The business id field is required when customer id is not present."


    "errors": {
        "type": [
            "The type field is required."
        "bank": [
            "The bank field is required."
        "customer_id": [
            "The customer id field is required when business id is not present."
        "business_id": [
            "The business id field is required when customer id is not present."

Key Variables


The "bank"string determines the name of the bank that the end-user/customer banks with. It is advised that "bank"is set to the bank that the end-user/customer receives their main source of income on.

Accepted online bank slugs

  • absa

  • capitec

  • discovery

  • fnb

  • nedbank

  • standard-bank

  • tyme-bank (Only extracts the data, no statements are downloaded)


The "type" provided will determine the method used to collect transactional data as well as PDF bank statements. The "type" string can be either of the three options below:

  • "online"

  • "statement"

  • "ussd"


The collection of transactional data as well as bank statements will be processed through an iFrame for the customer to login in to their online banking profile.

Advantages of Online

The "online" method requires a lot less effort from the customer as they facilitate the login to their internet banking profile and select the account they want to glean data from. This is all done in a few simple clicks on our user-friendly journey through which the customer is guided on our GathrLink user interface.

Gathr then handles the task of fetching the transactional data and downloading the statements. The customer does not have to worry about providing the correct bank statements as he collection of the bank statements is done automatically.

In addition, the Gathr affordability service is able to collect transactional data from the internet banking website that might not yet be on the bank statement.

Disadvantages of Online

Surprisingly, the main pain point encountered in the Gathr Link online flow is the fact that the customer needs to know their internet banking login credentials and have access to their primary device to approve additional authentication requests.

This sometimes results in human error when the customer is trying to login to their bank account, which stops the process from going ahead as we cannot scrape bank accounts without the user granting access/completing the authentication by logging in to their bank account.

However, if the person is someone who is used to making online payments for example, they should be able to complete the process without much fuss. See here for a guide to help your customers navigate the "online" flow successfully.


Request body | Example 1
    "bank": "absa",
    "type": "statement",
    "customer_id": "{{customerId}}"
Request body | Example 2

Only applicable when making use of Bank Statement Upload V1.1 to support the custom bank account number statement validation.

    "bank": "absa",
    "type": "statement",
    "account_number": "12345678", 
    "customer_id": "{{customerId}}"

The next step would be to collect the transactional data for the bank account. This is where the process diverges, depending on whether the processing type was selected as "online", "statement", "ussd" in your Create new Bank Account request.

Last updated