๐Ÿ“–Get All Address Documents

Retrieve all the Address Document records on your unique Gathr database.

Get All Address Documents

GET {{baseUrl}}/address-documents

Get all of the Address Document records that have been created on your tenant. You may choose to filter this search by customer to lookup only the address documents for that specific customer.

Path Parameters




This is the tenantId that was assigned to you when your tenant was created. You will have received this information via message from a member of the Finch Technologies team. If you can't find it, please email support@finch-technologies.com.




This is the environment URL for uat. Once you change over to prod, you would have to use: https://apply.fincheck.co.za.

*Please note that you need to be set up in each environment by a member of the Finch Technologies team, who will share your bearer token with you for the specific environment in a protected link.

Query Parameters




This is the UUID for a specific customer that gets generated and returned in the POST Create New Customer response.



This is the UUID for an Address Document that gets generated and returned in the POST Create Address Document response.

    "data": [
            "id": "51a9132b-0d30-4e4c-ba4a-60502718a9d3",
            "valid": false,
            "validated": null,
            "information": null,
            "document": {
                "id": 64,
                "name": "TymeBank_Personal_bank_statement_2023_02_02.pdf",
                "type": "pdf",
                "url": "https://dev.apply.fincheck.co.za/gathr-docs/documents/TymeBank_Personal_bank_statement_2023_02_02.pdf"
            "address_id": "1a2b996a-3622-4b7a-aa4b-c6509a74b3af"
            "id": "3d8c04aa-c4e5-4e6c-a89b-2070e5b1ef2a",
            "valid": true,
            "validated": {
                "city": false,
                "suburb": true,
                "province": false,
                "postal_code": true,
                "address_line_1": true,
                "address_line_2": true
            "information": {
                "city": "",
                "suburb": "SANDHURST",
                "province": "",
                "postal_code": "2196",
                "customer_name": "full_match",
                "address_line_1": "22 ETON PARK 6 ETON RD",
                "address_line_2": "SANDHURST"
            "document": {
                "id": 10,
                "name": "FNB_Dec_Jan (2).pdf",
                "type": "pdf",
                "url": "https://dev.apply.fincheck.co.za/gathr-docs/documents/FNB_Dec_Jan%20%282%29.pdf"
            "address_id": "54024f25-1693-414d-8c5a-d82580a65a9a"
    "meta": {
        "total": 2,
        "count": 2,
        "per_page": 15,
        "current_page": 1,
        "total_pages": 1

Last updated