โœ…Return TU Account Verification

Verify the information provided for the Customer's bank account details which are stored in the accountVerificationId against the available Bureau information.

Please note that particular fields in this response such asAccountHolder, SurnameMatch, IDMatch will be verified against the data stored on the customerId.

TU Account Verification

POST {{baseUrl}}/account-verifications/:account_verification_id/verify

Verify a Customer's bank account details against the Bureau database.

Request Body




This is the UUID for an Account Verification that is generated and returned in the POST Create New Account Verification response.

    "data": {
        "id": "{{accountVerificationId}}",
        "account_holder": "Miss KJH Hancock",
        "bank": "FNB",
        "account_number": "62938037018",
        "account_type": "Current",
        "branch_code": "250655",
        "verification": {
            "MajorProduct": "5874",
            "BankName": {},
            "BranchCode": "250655",
            "BranchName": "REMOTE BANKING SERVI",
            "AccountNumber": "062938037018",
            "AccountType": {},
            "AccountHolder": "MISS KJH HANCOCK",
            "StartDate": {},
            "Verified": "Y",
            "VerifiedDated": "20230502",
            "AccountFound": "Y",
            "IDMatch": "Y",
            "SurnameMatch": "Y",
            "AccountOpen": "Y",
            "AccountDormant": "U",
            "AccountOpen3Months": "Y",
            "AccountAcceptsDebits": "Y",
            "AccountAcceptsCredits": "Y",
            "ErrorReason": "Success",
            "Comment": {}

Last updated