๐ŸŽญValidate Bank Account Owner

Validate the Bank Account Owner against the Customer Record

Please note that we will perform the validation on the Bank Account Owner against the customer details provided in the POST Create New Customer endpoint.

Validate Bank Account Owner

POST {{baseUrl}}/bank-accounts/:bank_account_id/verify-statement

Run this request to validate the Bank Account Owner against the information stored for the customer initially creates.

Path Parameters




The UUID for a Bank Account that gets generated and returned in the POST Create new Bank Account response.

Request Body




Select the file you would like to upload. The file needs to be a valid bank PDF statement that the customer has downloaded from their internet banking. See here for more information on the types of statements that can be uploaded.

There is a maximum of 1 bank statement that can be uploaded.

    "data": {
        "id": "{{BankAccountId}}",
        "customer_id": "{{customerId}}",
        "tenant_customer_reference": "temp",
        "session_id": "temp",
        "type": "statement",
        "bank": "fnb",
        "account_holder": "MR JOHN L DOE",
        "account_verification": {
            "status": "full_validation",
            "reason": {
                "first_initial": true,
                "second_initial": true,
                "gender": true,
                "surname": true

Customer Record

        "first_name": "Kirsten",
        "middle_name": "Jessica",
        "last_name": "Hancock",
        "full_name": "Kirsten Jessica Hancock",

Customer Bank Statement

Bank Account Owner Validation Response

    "data": {
        "id": "{{bankAccountId}}",
        "customer_id": "{{customerId}}",
        "type": "statement",
        "bank": "fnb",
        "account_holder": "MISS KIRSTEN J HANCOCK",
        "account_verification": {
            "status": "full_validation",
            "reason": {
                "first_initial": true,
                "gender": true,
                "surname": true
Validation Fields Validation Description


The first_initial identified on the bank statement will be compared against the surname created in POST Create New Customer.

K - K: true

K - D: false


The gender will be identified based on the pre-fix found on the bank statement provided.

Miss: true

Mr: true

Null: false


The surname identified on the bank statement will be compared against the surname created in POST Create New Customer.

Hancock - Hancock: true

Hancock - Doe: false

Last updated