โž•Create Address Document

In order to upload a Customer's Address Document, you will first need to create an Address Document ID before performing the Address Document validation.

Create Address Document

POST {{baseUrl}}/address-documents

Upload a Proof of Address Document for a given Customer and Address.

Request Body




The UUID for a specific customer that gets generated and returned in the POST Create New Customer response.



The UUID for a specific address that gets generated and returned in the POST Create New Address response. It ensures that the Address Document is uploaded to the correct address.



This needs to be a PDF document that the customer uploads as a proof of address. It needs to contain the customer's physical address that they created in the POST Create New Address call.

    "data": {
        "id": "{{addressDocumentId}}",
        "valid": false,
        "validated": null,
        "information": null,
        "document": {
            "id": 2959,
            "name": "cojhb_oct_2022.PDF",
            "type": "pdf",
            "url": "https://dev.apply.fincheck.co.za/fincheck/documents/coct_nik_oct_2022.PDF"
        "address_id": "{{addressId}}"

Last updated