โ˜‘๏ธReturn DT Account Verification

Verify the information provided for the Customer's bank account details which are stored in the accountVerificationId against the available from Direct Transact.

Please note that particular fields in this response such as idNumberMatch, initialsMatch, surnameOrCompanyNameMatch, emailAddressMatch and cellPhoneNumberMatch will be verified against the data stored on the customerId.

To perform this verification, you need to have POPI consent from the Customer. You should collect this consent when creating the Customer and ensure you have set the "popi" field in Create New Customer to 1. Alternatively, if you have already created the Customer, you can use PATCH Update Customer endpoint to set "popi" to 1.

DT Account Verification

POST {{baseUrl}}/account-verifications/:account_verification_id/verify-account

Verify a Customer's bank account details against the Direct Transact database.

Request Body




This is the UUID for an Account Verification that is generated and returned in the POST Create New Account Verification response.

    "id": "5d458027-4aa8-4ce2-9f0f-246b7f41970d",
    "account_holder": "Mr Christopher James Patrick Ball",
    "bank": "fnb",
    "account_number": "62796664946",
    "account_type": "current",
    "branch_code": "250655",
    "data": {
        "avs": {
            "response_avs": {
                "accountFound": "Y",
                "accountOpen": "Y",
                "accountType": "Y",
                "idNumberMatch": "Y",
                "initialsMatch": "Y",
                "surnameOrCompanyNameMatch": "Y",
                "accountAcceptsDebits": "Y",
                "accountAcceptsCredits": "Y",
                "accountLength": "Y",
                "emailAddressMatch": "N",
                "cellPhoneNumberMatch": "Y"

Last updated