โž•Create New Account

In order to verify a Customer's Bank Account, you will first need to create an Account for a Customer before performing the Account verification.

Please note that we will perform the verification on the Bank Account against the customer details provided in the POST Create New Customer endpoint.

If you are going to use the Return DT Account Verification Endpoint to get your verification, you will need to ensure you have set the "popi" field in Create New Customer to 1. Alternatively, if you have already created the Customer, you can use PATCH Update Customer endpoint to set "popi" to 1.

Create New Account Verification

POST {{baseUrl}}/account-verifications

In order to verify an Account a unique Account identifier needs to be created. The Account identifier will contain details of the Customers main bank account.

Request Body

    "data": {
        "id": "{{$randomUUID}}",
        "account_holder": "Miss KJHancock",
        "bank": "absa",
        "account_number": "4077066570",
        "account_type": "SAV",
        "branch_code": "632005"

Example Request Body - Cheque Account

    "data": {
        "id": "{{accountVerificationId}}",
        "account_holder": "MR MA Bowren",
        "bank": "nedbank",
        "account_number": "1234926726",
        "account_type": "Current",
        "branch_code": "198765"

Example Request Body - Savings Account

    "data": {
        "id": "{{accountVerificationId}}",
        "account_holder": "Miss KJHancock",
        "bank": "absa",
        "account_number": "4077066572",
        "account_type": "SAV",
        "branch_code": "632005"

Last updated